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New Vendor: Greener Pastures Chicken

Greener Pastures Chicken started up in Elgin, Texas in 2018 where they’re still farming today

Von Miller, Co-founder, grew up raising chickens in Desoto, Texas, and went on to major in poultry science at Texas A&M University while playing college football. Initially, Von took Poultry Science as an “easy class” so he could focus on football. He would fall asleep in class and the professors would make him stand up in front of the whole class and talk about chickens. Now an outside linebacker for the Buffalo Bills, Von continues his award-winning football career while pursuing what’s become a passion of raising happy chickens.

Cameron Molberg, Board President, has been working in organic agriculture for over 15 years with a focus on projects in regenerative organic production systems. Known to some as an “encyclopedia in blue jeans,” Cameron serves as a resource for farmers, consumers, and organizations across the country.

So why should someone but a Greener Pastures chicken? First, they are the only farm in Texas that raises their birds on grass while supplementing their diet with certified organic feed. Second, the chickens live an outdoor lifestyle with full access to sunshine and fresh air. This affects the chemicals they secrete, their body composition, and ultimately the finished product. Third, Greener Pastures is a regenerative farm that adds from 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil back to the Earth each year. Fourth, and most important, the texture is going to be superior to a traditionally raised chicken. Greener Pastures Chicken actualizes a vision of happy chickens, regenerative organic agriculture, and a better food system for all.

Greener Pastures has 12 staff members working hard to bring this wonderful product to your local co-op. When asked what the best part about working for the company Jose Olalde said “It is a privilege and there is a pedigree around Texas about working at Greener Pastures Chicken. People in the farming community around Texas know about Greener Pastures. When I show them pictures, they think it’s pretty cool. I feel pretty lucky.”

Wheatsville currently carries Greener Pastures Chicken at both store locations. We’re in the process of bringing in other parts as well. Hopefully this will be a new favorite for you all. We’re so happy to partner with such an amazing farm!

- Kerie McCallum

Category Management Coordinator.
